Halka, Empathy-based Social Community

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  • Halka...

    The popularity of social media is undeniable. The ability to make friends and express ourselves without simultaneously exposing ourselves to the risks associated with conventional socializing is revolutionary. However, we have to ask ourselves how real these relationships are. How many of these 'friends' that we claim really know us?

    Sneak Peek
  • What is different?

    You may be curious about what Halka does differently than traditional social sites and how it builds more durable, lasting, accepting, and supportive relationships than they do.

  • Why Halka?

    Do you pay attention to how effectively you communicate with people? To how well received your opinions and observations are? Would you notice if your social reception were to become a distinctly cooler? You most likely don't pay attention to things like this, and you are not alone.


Halka is a place where empaths meet!

encourages empathy, compassion, knowledge...


"You Don't Know Me?"

Take the average social networking site. You log on, and you instantly see a million posts from a hundred people. You can read everything from what someone bought that day, to what annoying things happened at work, to what they need to improve their farm on a silly game. You can like things, or share things, or comment on things, but does any of it really tell you about them? Or tell them about you?

"Say What?"

We cannot say we are just losing our ability to relate to others on an intimate basis because of social media. It's a far bigger problem. We are losing our ability to relate at all. Oftentimes now you see people getting into verbal battles for nothing more than a misunderstood comment. Something meant to be taken one way, but taken another instead. Between the Internet and texting, how do we both teach, and maintain, our ability to empathize?


"Halka Hallelujah!"

Welcome to Halka, a new kind of social media site. Unique in its focus, and rare in its opportunities. Its focus is on stressing the feelings associated with events of the site's members' lives. It offers the opportunity for one to step into the shoes of another and understand what that event did to them on inside. It encourages understanding, on a personal level, that is desperately needed by our society as a whole. If average social media sites are the plague, Halka is the cure.

What they think about empathy...

seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another...

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Javier Bardem

"I think we are living in selfish times. I'm the first one to say that I'm the most selfish. We live in the so-called 'first world,' and we may be first in a lot of things like technology, but we are behind in empathy."

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J.K. Rowling

"Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not - and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation - in its' arguably most tranformative and revelatory capacity it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared."

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Meryl Streep

"The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other."

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Barack Obama

"The biggest deficit that we have in our society and in the world right now is an empathy deficit. We are in great need of people being able to stand in somebody else's shoes and see the world through their eyes"

What Halka can do...

"In-feel-nity... and BEYOND!"

You may be curious about what Halka does differently than traditional social sites and how it builds more durable, lasting, accepting, and supportive relationships than they do. It's because Halka is not like the average social site. This site doesn't settle for liking a post as a genuine showing of empathy, or sharing a post as a sufficient showing of support. Halka goes a step beyond this, surpassing commonplace, as it promotes more emotionally expressive exchanges between peers. Allow me to list only a few examples of how Halka exceeds the standard established by most other social media sites, as well as where it has pioneered standards in areas of social interaction overlooked by them.

"Safe Speaking Haven."

Halka helps avoid awkward conversations, because it also allows people to see what emotions members are best at empathizing with. People are able to gauge, before starting a conversation that makes them vulnerable by evoking extreme emotions, whether or not someone they are considering talking to will be helpful and sympathetic. Ergo, Halka makes opening up to others less scary, and helps people avoid telling their story multiple times on different sites in order to find advice, support, encouragement, understanding, or simple praises for an accomplishment. Halka maintains an environment in which people gain the confidence to connect with others, without fear of callous people causing more distress. People on Halka connect on a more intimate level than ever before, which leads to more genuine friendships. No other social media site places so much importance on understanding others as being vital to form relationships. Halka understands this, and promotes open and effective communication in both new and old friendships.

"What's This Warm Fuzzy Feeling?"

Halka encourages people to relate their life experiences openly, and to identify the feelings that arose as a result of its presence, such as dealing with any effects caused by the event, or just feelings about it happening at all. Unlike Halka, most social sites are used primarily for spreading opinions and relating one's activities that day, and emotional responses and motivators are rarely mentioned in connection to anything. As a result, people aren't as proficient at identifying even their own emotions, and have trouble conveying what they felt to others. Halka promotes the reconnecting of a person with their emotions on a personal level by asking people when they post an experience to identify what emotions they felt when they were dealing with the situation. Halka also encourages people to imagine how others felt during important events, by asking that people guess what emotions a post's author felt at the time they had that experience. Halka helps people recognize and express emotions again, while simultaneously demonstrating that there are millions of emotional responses, and that all of them are equally valid. In this manner Halka promotes becoming more thoughtful and considerate people.

"Not So Different After All."

Halka requests members share experiences using as many details as possible. These detailed emotional recollections help by reminding people that everyone has emotional responses, and by revealing emotional processes that we've either experienced for ourselves, or that we are able to imagine going through. Knowing that we feel the same emotions as others, and that we deal with them in similar ways, compels us to view other people as more relatable and familiar. Familiarity downplays the superficial differences people normally focus on, as well as trivializes misconceptions spread by ignorance and bigotry. Meaning if a person is more relatable, people more commonly forsake stereotypes that either emphasize irrelevant physical differences such as skin color, or stereotypes that seek to dehumanize certain peoples, like stating that Muslims are only capable of hate. This leaves people to use more fair and nonpartisan approaches to discovering the truth about others, including remembering all people are the same inside. When we acknowledge that we all feel hurt, pride, excitement, fear, love and other emotions in the same way it results in healthier, more informed connections between different peoples. In short, Halka encourages and rewards true empathy, which improves the social climate of the real world, because it motivates members to empathize more often, with more people, and in a greater variety of situations. In this manner Halka promotes acceptance and tolerance of others.

Why would you join halka?

there are many reasons...


"This Guy Again?!?!"

Do you pay attention to how effectively you communicate with people? To how well received your opinions and observations are? Would you notice if your social reception were to become a distinctly cooler? You most likely don't pay attention to things like this, and you are not alone. It's common for people to fail to notice when they begin losing their ability to empathize with others, even when the signs are obvious things. Things like a smile that seems strained or suddenly disappears, a humorous response met with eyes widening in disbelief and surprise because joking isn't appropriate, people suddenly leaving conversations by way of made up excuses and hurried goodbyes, or people walking out mid-sentence without any excuse or explanation offered at all. If you have noticed people behaving this way towards you, or you seem to always behave this way toward others, joining Halka could be the solution.

"Indifferent Is Inconsiderate."

When someone wants to talk about something real in their life, something of consequence, they want to talk to people that understand how they feel about it. When you lack emotion, nobody wants to talk to you on a bad day, nobody wants to talk to you on a good day, honestly nobody wants to talk to you on any kind of day at all, because nobody wants to feel like someone is not taking them seriously, or is making light of their struggles. People won't want to share the miraculous news that the "impossible" pregnancy they were desperate for finally happened if the person they are talking to about it responds with, "Uh-huh. Did you see my new shoes?" Nobody seeks comfort when they're grieving a death from the person that answers, "That sucks. Do you think if I asked nicely they'd go haunt my evil-incarnate boss?" People expect a certain response from those they choose to share their important moments with, and those unable to give it, won't be included. People that don't empathize will always be shunned when someone wants to share a special, emotional, or significant moment. When people miss out on sharing the experiences of others, they miss the chance to form genuine friendships. Halka can help you be included in these moments again by restoring your "emotional intelligence".


"Everyone Needs Empathy."

What if you need to talk to someone because your spouse died, and you want someone that went through exactly what you're going through, how will you find that with your current social resources? Post every intimate detail where everyone can see it and ask for people that were widowed to respond? Then sort through dozens of responses ranging from, "I haven't been through it, but I'll pray for you" to "I know how you feel. My cat died 3 months ago," which not only makes you feel more isolated since nobody that responded was ever widowed, but also makes you extremely angry because people are comparing your spouse to a cat. Halka makes finding relevant posts, written by people that did go through the situations, easy. Every experience on Halka is classified by primary emotion felt, and by date of occurrence. So finding stories about grieving a departed loved one that passed in the last two years takes mere seconds. Compare that to forty five minutes spent scrolling down a constantly reloading timeline, to find an event that happened six months ago.

"Uniquely Personal Personal Growth."

In truth, neither we, nor anybody else, can tell you why you should join Halka. As no two people are identical, joining will benefit everyone in a differently. Ways that joining might help you are mysteries to me because the interaction between yourself and Halka is unique to you. We encourage you to join for three reasons: We sincerely believe everyone that joins will find something beneficial, we guarantee you will find Halka to be one of the most original sites you've ever run across, and we know without a doubt the stories shared on it will one day change your life, in some small way, for the better.

Join Halka to improve your empathic skills and to become an empath.
